This article highlights the different types of power cords related to your unit. Each power cord has it's own voltage and it's important to find the right one that fits your unit.
Every power cord has a Reset and Test button to open and close the circuit when sending voltage to the unit. To allow power to your unit, click the reset button and this will restore power to your unit. On the other hand, the test button can be pushed to force the unit to shut off. This feature is triggered when there is a surge.
15 AMP Power Cord
Any power cord rated between 10-15 amps would input the above receptacle orientation.
Part # GC15UP-E - Universal 15AMP, PC15S-P - Standard 15AMP LCDI power cord
Units with LCDI power cords rated 16-20 amp would use the above plug orientation.
Part # GC20UP-E - Universal 20 AMP LCDI power cord, PC20S-P - Standard 20 AMP LCDI power cord
Units with LCDI power cords rated 21-30 amp would use the above plug orientation.
Part # GC30UP-E Universal 30 AMP LCDI power cord, PC30S-P Standard 30 AMP LCDI power cord
*Only unit that does not come with a surge protector on the head of the cord.
Receptacle Information for Your Plug Size
Difference between Universal and Standard Power Cords
Before ordering, it's important to determine the end of your power cord with your unit. Our units come with the standard power cord end which has a standard three-wire prong (S-P Standard). GCDM units are the only units we have that will require a U-P Universal end.
*Please see the attachment to this article to match your receptacle to the power cord voltage.
If you have further questions for pricing of the parts, please contact and we can assist further. Be sure to include photos of your plug or unit's model number to determine the appropriate fit.